Sir Isaac Newton, PRS (from December 25 1642 March 20, 1727 [NS: Living Energy, 31 1643-1603, 1727]) was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist and theologian, was "considered by many scientists as living it large and influential in the Hague. "
Mathematical foundations of natural philosophy in his monograph published in 1687 and is the basis for most of classical mechanics. In this work, Newton described three laws of motion governing the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries and gravitation. Newton made a last question on the promotion of science and of heliocentrism, the same set of laws of nature have always shown between Kepler, motion of celestial bodies on Earth and in his theory of planetary motion and gravity showed that the revolution is the law. Principia, which is considered one of the most important books ever written widely regarded by scientists.
Newton built the first practical telescope, reflecting, on the basis of observations, we are in the visible spectrum of color theory in order to separate the white light, the color of the prism has been developed. He also "has been done to study the speed of sound rules of thumb for cooling.
Gottfried Leibniz in mathematics for the development of calculus, Newton of the loan. He is also the binomial theorem to the general development of Newton's method to approximate the roots of the function to show and contributed to a number of studies.
Newton was also very religious. He was an Orthodox Christian, and wrote more on biblical hermeneutics and occult studies in natural sciences and mathematics, subjects that are connected in the first place. Newton rejected Trinitarianism secret, indicted for fear of denial of Holy Orders
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