Tuesday, October 25, 2011

History Of Transport in the 20th Century

The transport has been greatly improved during the 20th century. Even if the car first time in the late 19 th century, it is cheaper and more common after the First World War. But in 1940 only 10 families owned a car. Increase the number of post-Second World War. In 1959, he had 32 percent of households own a car. But the car is very popular in 1960. Most families had one in 1970.
In 1903 a speed limit of 20 mph was introduced. It was abolished in 1930th But in 1934 a speed limit was introduced by 30 miles per hour in built up areas. In the meantime, the electric lights were invented in the United States market. In Britain, the first electric lights were installed traffic in London in 1926. Assurance for motorists became mandatory in 1931. A driving test was introduced in 1934. Also in 1934, Percy Shaw invented the Catseye Meanwhile, the AA was formed in 1905.
Parking meter was invented by Carlton Magee. It was founded in the United States in 1935. Swede named Nils Bohlin developed a three-point seat belts in 1959. In 1983, seat belts became mandatory. Pine radar was introduced in England from 1983 to 1992.
In the meantime, in 1936 Belisha beacons were introduced to make it cross the road safely. The first zebra crossing was introduced 1951st 1969 Schedule modern pedestrian crossings and the men and women in the field was introduced in 1969.
Laura N. Harger called the Americans in 1931, invented the first breath. It 'was used in 1939, Indianapolis, was the first time in the United States. In Britain, the road was introduced in 1983 which was introduced in 1958 and is responsible, ie, free parking, yellow lines on the sides of the two. Radar system was introduced in 1992.
In the meantime, at the end of the century, the horse drawn trams ran 19 in many cities. Electrified during the first 20 that were. However, were removed in most cities trams in 1930. Replaced by buses or trucks or buses, which ran on overhead cables. Trolleybus in turn have been eliminated in the 1950s. Ironically, in the late 20th Century in some cities, light rail reintroduced.
There is a vast network of railways in the mid-20 th century. In 1963, however, the Minister asked Dr. Beeching, the closure of many of them.  Hovercraft was launched in 1959 to life. Hovercraft passenger service began in 1962.
Meanwhile, began a new form of transportation. In 1919, the aircraft began taking passengers between London and Paris. (The first powered flight in England was made ​​in 1908). The passenger jet service began in 1952.
However, the flight of the 20th Century, a luxury few could afford. In addition, only a small minority afford to travel abroad. Property was not widespread in the 1960s. The Boeing 747, the first "Jumbo" was introduced in 1970 and the Channel Tunnel was opened in 1994.

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